13 Things You Can Do Right Now To Get What You REALLY Want! (Manifesting Essentials)

Posted by | August 10, 2012 | Uncategorized | No Comments

(With Lindsay at the beach in Alameda, CA)


I flew from the Seattle to Oakland the other day.

Me and my friend and rockin’ photographer/videographer, Lindsay, are cranking out design for our new event in October.

PLUS… I’m hanging with her and 4 other business women for a mastermind retreat to “get shit done”.

I’m still processing and integrating my annual spiritual retreat. (Been going for 17 years!)

As always, it was rich with insight and growth.  I solidified my intentions for the year by dancing, drumming and singing around a fire at the full moon.

I attribute a large part of my success today to this gathering and the women who have taught me “the woman’s way”.

As I’ve recognized the truth of who I am in a safe, sacred container, I’ve become fiercely aligned with my passion for empowering women.

I’ve also become masterful at manifesting. My “long night” at the fire has taught me how to harness the power of the Universal laws & Source intelligence to deliberately shape my reality.

You can, too!

You are a creator!

YOU can harness the power of Universal law & Source intelligence (life force, Spirit, whatever you want to call it) at any moment through choice.  Here are 13 things you can do right now.

1) Want.

Two things here.

One is that you still buy into the idea that it’s selfish to want what you want. Get over it. Accept that your desire is a pulse from your soul informing you of what is alive.  You deserve it. It’s your birthright. Not only that, you help more people by being fulfilled.

The second is that you must want what you want more than NOT wanting what you don’t want! Too many of you are still focusing on what is missing, wrong or lacking. It doesn’t help you create what you DO want. So stop it.

2) Decide.

Decision is the point of creation.

(By the way, not deciding IS deciding passively.)

If you do not decide FULL ON to have what you want, you won’t get it.

You must choose and feel the resolve of your decision 100%.  All in!

3) See.

Use your imagination to see your manifestation come to be. Vision it.

What is happening? Who is there? What is going on? Play the scenario’s in your head.

4) Feel.

Often a most missed step in manifesting, feeling is where it’s at.

Feelings are the vibrational “umph” that the Universe hears to deliver you what you want.

FEEEEEL the reality and experience of what you want.

Example: What does it feel like to be financially free?

And do it now, NOT when you “get there”. (NOTE: This is key to true freedom. If you keep holding out for external reality to give you something to help you feel like you want to feel, you will always be dependent.)

5) Think.

Your thoughts create vibrations that the Universe matches, which reinforces what you know as your reality.

You are not a victim to reality. If something is not working for you, stop reacting to it and get proactive by choosing what to think that will lead to what you DO want. Change your thoughts, change your reality.

Consciously choose thoughts that align you with what you want and desire.

6) Clear.

Plain and simple.

Limited thoughts, mistaken beliefs, fears, resentments, old baggage…must be cleared!

7) Act.

Take action. But don’t just move or be busy.

Take inspired*, clear action that you know is part of the momentum of your creation.

*INSPIRED ACTION= Action derived from the soul pulsing YES of your desire, rather than from “should” or fear. ONLY take inspired action.

8 ) Know.

Doubt erodes the power of your wanted manifestation, giving mixed messages to the Universe. (If doubt comes in, go to #6 and CLEAR.)

Feel confident and convicted. Be certain that what you want and desire will be yours.

9) Trust.

Infuse your consciousness and being with trust.

Life knows how to live. It’s there FOR you.

Elevate your trust to a higher plane by choosing to know that everything is Divinely in order for your benefit.

10) Allow.

Learn how to open, receive and allow.

What you REALLY want is totally there for you. You need to get out of the way and let it come in.

11) Connect.

Connect with whatever you know as a higher power, source or purpose.

When you align with the greater force of life- the same force that births babies, creates mountains and flowers- you are unstoppable.

12) Raise.

Engage in activity that raises and maintains high vibrations.

Everything is energy.

To get what you REALLY want in life, you need to be humming at a vibration that will naturally bring your greatest desires to you.

Examples I use in my life:

  • Tuning into luminary teachers with love and life affirming messages
  • Time in nature
  • Meditation
  • Inspirational, fun and sacred music
  • Ecstatic dance
  • Working with mentor/coaches

13) Thank.

Give thanks!

Gratitude is one of the highest vibrations and a potent tool for manifesting.

Be grateful for what is. Feel gratitude for what will be.

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