
After 18+ yrs in biz…astoundingly true! A Special REWILDING Spring Activation!

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After 18+ years leading my business (or being led by, as spirit has it)

it’s astoundingly true that.

I’ve served 1000’s of women + sold multi-millions of dollars worth of my sacred offers!!

WHILE being authentic, genuine, and honest.

I would not, could not be just another entrepreneur who followed the formulas to make a buck and get ahead. 

A strange phenomenon develops when you pledge to be true to yourself.

When you opt to be all IN for the assignment of the Soul (aka the choiceless choice)….

… you recoil at the thought of or in the act of misalignment. 

I learned the hard way long ago (and had some harsh lessons underscore the fact in recent years) that contorting myself to advance is costly.

It largely comes down to  >>> the WAY you go about something (success, goals, manifestation) is more important than GETTING there or even in the HAVING. 

I’d love to reveal more pleasure-filled wisdom I’ve gained through the tried-and-true decades long path I’ve walked.

Both the Feminine and nature are major allies in this endeavor, one which challenges the falsehoods and returns us to what is real. 

Let’s take this to another level together.

I’m inspired to lead a special LIVE next week and invite you to come play.

With all that I am, 

Kendra E Thornbury, MA 

ps. I’m excited to lead my first LIVE of 2024!

Join us March 20, 12pm USA mtn at the Wealthy Goddess Revolution.

systems dismantling, nature’s directive, going rouge + The RIVER 2024!!

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Systems are breaking all-the-way down. 

They have to.

When they exhaust their ability to contribute to the betterment of life.

You outgrow them and they don’t match your next level.

They become obsolete when not ensuring optimal results.


… we are experiencing consequences of systems never designed to work.

(FOR the greater good, that is.)

Systems that don’t serve life, that are not sustainable … fall away.

I’ll say it well into my old age and crone years:

>>> Nature knows how to live.

When listening to and honoring the pulse of creation, you are tapped into
nature’s directive and act accordingly.

If, in your Soul …

… like me …

… you know in your bones …

… our healthy, prosperous future counts on our INTERDEPENDENCE with nature

… you desire business models + leadership that make sense to the wildness of being.


I am in active conversation with women ready for the RIVER 2024. 

Here’s the deal.

MY SYSTEMS are breaking dooooown.

It’s necessary for advancement.


It’s chaotic and a bit uncertain.

Last week my email program was mysteriously suspended. (AHHH!)

Much of my data is missing (temporarily).

And, the week before that I announced my migration to a new platform …

… and it’s taking WAY longer than anticipated to get it all in order.

SO, with limited access to content, sales pages, etc. I’m not in “launch mode”.

This means I don’t even have the pretty RIVER invitation/landing page up like in prior years.

I’m going ROUGE here.

Isn’t that how change agents roll in messy times of dismantling and rebuilding?!

We create something out of nothing; we innovate.

If you feel the stir to join an intimate deepening into the wilderness,

and desire to benefit from decades of rich roots nourished by nature’s wisdom,

and are committed to being the change as a thriving, growth-minded leader.

MESSAGE ME for the vital information that will change your life. 


We are in the process NOW of curating the group.

If it’s not your calling, that’s cool.

(just do me a favor & be sure you really check in with your lit Soul, not the clever ego.)

I don’t know when you’ll hear from me again given what’s going on.

Thanks for being on the adventure together!

With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA

ps. Again, message me directly for The River + Wilderness of the Soul 2024 info.

Nothing fancy here. We’re stripped to the essentials and serving evolution.



major tech changes that mark the end of an era + new threshold!!! (please read…)

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It’s the end of an era for me!!!


And tech wise.

We are making major technology upgrades.

I affectionately call it tending to my BUSINESS TEMPLE.

If you’ve been in my realm for a while, you know I’ve encountered MASSIVE changes over the last number of years.

I’m coming up from the deep end after what spiritually is known as the journey through the underworld.

Initiation after initiation…

From panic attacks to menopause to family death to ruptures with beloved women to the River to becoming a best selling author…

I’ve been flattened, confronted, rocked and stripped like never before.

I AM a different woman.

From the essence I rise, and with it comes the sacred responsibility to get current. This involves owning, cleansing, forgiving, integrating shadow and just plain getting my systems in order!

(Some of you know — organization is NOT my shizzle. Not only that, this is my 18th year stewarding a business I love, and there’s a LOT of content.)

So, on a practical note…

I’ve used the same platform (the one that helps me communicate with my list) for 12+ years.

I’m letting it go, migrating to a new one.

Not only will this help me streamline, it will ensure I serve YOU even more effectively.

I care about you.

Just in case there are glitches along the way, I want you to know I am NOT going anywhere.

In fact, I’m just getting started!

IF you value staying on my list, be proactive. Message me if in the coming days and weeks you notice that you are not receiving from me (If you are not on my list and want to be, sign up on my website).

I appreciate your understanding AND the continued honor to be of service to you.

This change of systems, while on some level quite mundane, marks something more significant for me.

Thank you for being a treasured client, past client, future client and/or community member.

I strive to deliver value and immense benefit.

With the life and leadership altering thresholds I’ve crossed, the wisdom of the soil beneath me, the Soul activations

within me… new substance, new consciousness, new containers and new offers are emerging.


Kendra E Thornbury, MA

ps. I’ve decided to increase levity and joy moving forward.

Thus the pic of uncontrollable laughter and play in the snow with a puppy!

essential, highest potential… and honoring natural design

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I’ve been quiet, honoring the inward pull of winter.

The GO of the New Year has not authentically moved me.

The earth is blanketed in snow after 6+ hrs of it falling yesterday!

I’m delighting in the wonderland.

For certain, one of the most essential factors of freedom and life/business on your terms is discovering and honoring your own unique rhythm.

This requires experimentation and patience, as well as trust.

The programming that orients us toward outward authority and man-constructed systems result in mis-alignment.

Our highest potential and capacity resides in tuning into the inner domain — connected to nature — trusting and leading through it.

It’s a (refreshing) departure from the paradigm of pursuit and success that demands compromising and contorting to “get results”.

Won’t you join me…. ?

In this revolutionary act of remaining in alliance with true self?

It’s time to lay down lack based beliefs at the heart of denying what is aligned and optimal for you.

It’s time to choose you, without the costly consequences of mis-alignment.

Abundance, well being and your ultimate freedom rest in your natural design!


Speaking of …. Have you tuned in? 

Rich, grounded, proven content is here.

I’m removing this awesome series from the FB Group January 16.

>>> DAY 1 REPLAY <<<

  • Awaken Your Sovereign Power
  • Access The Frequency of Success
  • Tap Core Money Energetics

>>> DAY 2 REPLAY <<<

Featuring Connor Sauer

  • Unlock Your Wild Feminine Wisdom
  • Exponential Results In Harmony With Nature’s Design
  • Discover Advanced Spiritual Technology


We arrived at a new threshold!

Powerful QUOTES from Connor =

“Don’t expect God to give you a great mission until you have the capacity for it.”

“The art of manifestation is the process of intentionality and the capacity for self governance along the way.”

“You may think you are signing on to be a 7 figure entrepreneur, but you’ll do the inner work to create the capacity to receive and steward it.”

“We have to be willing to not deceive ourselves anymore.”


>>> DAY 3 REPLAY <<<

  • Alchemize Wounds and Break Cycles
  • Become a Sought After Leader and Pioneer
  • Build Embody Wealth

With Special Appearances by one of our Wealthy Goddess Success Coaches and Clients.

“The more I stay in alignment with what’s authentic…
The more people are naturally giving me opportunities.
Clients are coming to me. People want to work with my
program because they are drawn to who I am.”

~ Karry Sawatsky


>>> AND…. The alchemical wisdom in COMPLETION REPLAY <<<

With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA


we must say goodbye.

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AS CONSCIOUS CREATORS INTENDING, influencing, manifesting, building our most cherished personal and collective dreams…

… we must say good bye.

We cannot bypass this stage required for new beginnings.

A genuine good bye that supports you in letting go and putting to rest the charge, incompleteness, duress or any other feeling that keeps the medicine of COMPLETION from reaching you and allowing you to fully be prepared to receive at the next level.

JOIN ME for a sacred space to illuminate the wisdom in endings, alchemizing patterns, circumstances and even wounds that fester and prevent next level wealth and wellbeing.

Gain insight into how to create peace and contentment so that you access your Divine abundance and liberate your true freedom in 2024 and beyond!

We will be LIVE at the Wealthy Goddess Revolution.

With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA

nature rooted, pleasure powered, Soul rich business plan for 2024! (see inside…)

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Nature rooted.

Source derived.

Service abiding.

Feminine forward.

Pleasure powered.

Spiritually fueled.

Wealth embodied.

Mission led.

Love loyal.

Soul rich.


Symbiotically sovereign.

This is my business plan for 2024.

I’m fully enrolled and IN.

Clear. Clean. Concise.

Grounded in Earth’s wild wisdom.

Full of the frequency of life-generating goodness.

My ‘formula’ is to remain loyal to the Divine and be a faithful servant leader.

Money funds my nourishing lifestyle and offers plenty to create ripples of change.



If you want to reside in a similar domain that sings to your Soul…

COME PLAY! (and engage!)

We’re going to create a force field.

With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA

We Teach What We Have To Learn…. Money Transparency + Wound Alchemy

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We teach what we most have to learn.

Isn’t that the old adage?

It’s certainly true for me, and essential to being a spiritual entrepreneur.

My offers have always been an extension of my personal journey, a way of paying it forward after I’ve discovered useful and effective pathways for authentic success and freedom.

My programs and containers infuse new meaning into the wounds, hardships and dark nights of the Soul.

See, I experience business as a deeply healing path.

One reason is that it allows an intentional reframe to times that otherwise we may become beholden to by unprocessed grief, shame, guilt or other taboo emotions.

On a Soul level, we evolve through the lessons we are here for. Our awakening, maturation and alignment require us to have the brave insight (and humbleness!) to see what they are, and become more through them.

If not, we repeat patterns over and over. We plateau in our growth, sabotage ourselves and others … and even suffer.

(You can explore this teaching as it relates to money in the Medicine of Money.)

This year I unexpectedly circled back to some of my own challenging lessons with money. It began with several clients completely ghosting me with payments. Then, a choice to return money to a woman who was not a good match for me to mentor. Given I massively expanded my company, adding four new team experts last year, my outflow was at a whole new scale of responsibility.

I share all this because transparency has remained a value in my business; I aspire to lead with it in service to more honest relations and conscious leadership.

I’m not perfect, and I’ve been open about that.

Since the inception of my business (almost 18 years ago!), I’ve believed it’s better to be an imperfect passionate change agent contributing the best I can rather than a perfectionist obsessed with image, controlled by others judgments and never living up to my potential to make a difference.

So, as I entered 2023, it marked my 7th year in the cycle of my initiation into peri/menopause. With it, I experienced a “culmination” of lessons, some of which have honestly been devastating to me.

(I’ve come to appreciate the power of initiation at a whole new level. And menopause? It’s no joke.) 

True to my walk, I know new content, programs and containers will emerge from this confronting time. The loss, the challenges… they WILL make way for me to serve more women in their quest. I choose it to be so.

In the meantime, I sit with humility, I’ve swallowed a “taste of my own medicine” and trust I am a better person for it all.  

With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA

Pardon my absence. A gentle re-entry after loss.

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Pardon my absence.

4 weeks ago sweet Max passed away.

He was a beloved companion and joyous spirit who brought much love to my life, and that of our family.

I allowed myself the space to grieve and feel the waves that came with losing him in this realm.

Grief often is a portal to unprocessed layers aching to be known or felt.

Dogs have a way of cracking our hearts open, offering unconditional love.

They don’t play human games or ask us to be something other than who we are, so they have a natural ability to soften our armor and keep us in check about what matters.

Before Max passed, I asked him to give a wag and kiss to my aunt Jeanne who put her earth walk to rest in late May.
I felt comforted by the image of them happy and snuggling.

His death marks another loss in a series that have been accompanying me for a while now.

Something about the timing coincides with the felt sense that I am bringing a huge cycle to completion.

I’m choosing a gentle re-entry even though the “push through it” programming yaps on. As in nature, the elements and seasons move at their own rhythm, on their own terms. That’s the wisdom I aspire
to live by.

Oh, and Max’s love prance. More of that, please.

With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA


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When grief has you, let it take you.

Like a river, let its current carry you into the wild unknown.

Let it carve deep into the canyon of your heart, revealing how fully you love.

Let it crash against the shores of your hardened edges, making way for brazen beauty.

Let it soften your armor, confronting you with just how vulnerable it feels to sincerely care.

Let it wash you in the pool of your tears, dousing you in its nurturing comfort.

Let it command your unrestrained primal voice, unleashing the passionate wail of your belly.

Let it have its way with you, animating the creative force in all the spaces that have become listless and apathetic.

Let it flush you clean of built up decay and rot, freeing you of unprocessed grief.

Let it provision you with the courage to meet your shadows, the deserted and unmet parts thirsting for attention.

Let it loosen your grip on decorum, making you a savage lover of life ensuring it impossible for fear to take residence in your temple.

Sick to my stomach.
Shut down.

Convinced something is fundamentally wrong with me because I don’t know how to return to “business as usual”.

I’ve been at a loss for words.

I’ve only known what I feel.

War is inconceivable to me.

Evil twisted antics justifying violence and horrific harm.
Insanity manifest.

War is unbearable. As it should be.

It’s the demonstration of our separation from what is holy and sacred.
It’s an extension of the distortion of “other”.
It’s dehumanization, a vindication of our lack of care.
It’s a construct built from malicious intent.


I struggle with how to metabolize this intense and vast level of duress.
I breath, pray and ask for guidance.
I weep, and it comes to me.

The power of grief.

I return to the truth that my feelings are not a symptom of being unwell or unevolved, but rather a sign that I AM well and relating sanely in hard times.

I yield to grief’s wisdom, knowing that if I do not surrender, it will find me in a version of war with myself.

My contribution in this moment to the dissolution and termination of war is raw grief.

My responsibility to the web of life is to keep clean, tending to my emotional and spiritual hygiene.

To ensure I don’t become indifferent, inflamed and unconscious of my own material that eventually would spill over with consequences to others.

To refrain from waging war on what’s foreign within me so that I grow my capacity to remain in kinship with the diverse interconnectedness that links us as one.

To inhabit grief as intimate care for life, walking the beauty way that elevates love over being right.
When grief has you, let it take you.

Let it help you make medicine out of troubled times.
Let it empty you entirely of the inconsequential, invoking the pure essence of what truly matters.

Let it return you home to the love soaked Soul you truly are.

With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA

I’m back with an essential REMINDER + a massive REVELATION!!

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Feeling the love!!

So much expansion happening.

I’m back from a sensational and sumptuous retreat with an extraordinary group of Souls.

I had a tremendous reset… in ways I knew I needed, and ways
I didn’t.

I want to share an essential REMINDER + a massive REVELATION.


* Be ALL IN *

Really, you get out of it what you put into it.
Life, love, business. Whatever the focus.

IT requires YOU are IN.

I’ve been discovering this truth for decades. My success, or lack of, demonstrates a direct correlation.

I champion this lived awareness for my clients.

Honestly, in the last few years I’ve let various happenings allow me to pull back out of self-protection.

As I’ve gazed at the landscape that is my reality, calling for direction and my what’s next WHY, it’s clear that my ALL IN
vibes had waned and now is the time to re-commit.

During the retreat, I played with it and could feel and see the immediate results …

When I hold back, I’m not available for the abundance of life that wants to reach me.

When I show up fully, I AM available for the abundance of life … and it reaches me in ways beyond what I imagine.

If I want it, PUT my energy into it fully.

No part way, “we’ll see what happens” passive attitude.
No waiting for someone else’s permission or validation.

>>> MY (massive) REVELATION <<<

One of my biggest epiphanies blasted me wide open. It bubbled up from material deep inside I was not even aware of.

After unraveling from a series of meaningful exercises that had me crying a river, I realized I had been walking through the world expecting to be JUDGED instead of expecting to be LOVED!

It was one of those moments where you can see how a way of viewing the world is so deeply embedded, so archaic, so familiar, so automatic that you don’t even know it’s there and influencing you. The paradigm “just is”, and you’re so convinced of it, you don’t recognize that you have it… and that you have a choice in the matter.

So, yeah. This one changed my lens in a mega way. And, of course, my reality will follow since it’s all perception and what we prescribe to.

Won’t you join me in playing with next level paradigm possibilities?

With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA

ps. When you work with me, I’ll be ALL IN for you, and when you are, too…
we’ll create miracles!