my thoughts of worthlessness & 3 steps I took to return to my higher power…

Posted by | May 30, 2017 | Uncategorized | No Comments

You can change your reality with your THOUGHTS.

Think about it (HA! Pun intended) !!!

I remember when I started waking up to this truth.

It took me from feeling like life ‘just happened’ and believing that I had very little power over my life ….
… to understanding that I CAN & DO have influence.

From victim to creator. From reactive to proactive.

But what happens when your THOUGHTS RULE a reality that you don’t feel good in?

Or that erodes your well being?

Or wreaks havoc on your sense of abundance and financial security?

I know it doesn’t always feel like we are at choice with thoughts.

I’ve sure had my share of thoughts that leave me feeling helpless and and insignificant…. Thoughts that lead me to make choices that don’t align with the results I want.

This last year during my hellashish DARK NIGHT I questioned everything.

Including what I’m saying now.

I felt like my thoughts “had me”.

I would think debilitating thoughts like…

“I am not good enough.
I don’t matter.
I am not making enough money.
I am not safe.
I am falling apart.
I don’t have the strength to get through this.
I am worthless.”

And. I’d believe them! I’d hear those thoughts as if they were TRUE, and spin a reality to orient myself around them.

I’d feel the feelings of those thoughts.
I’d choose the reactions of those thoughts.
I’d take the actions of those thoughts.

I can see now that because these thoughts were arising from parts parts of me that I was healing — the emotional charge and “believability” factor was HIGH. I believed them. There was no questioning them. And my emotions were triggered by them.

I believed I was not good enough.
I believed I was not safe.
I believed I was worthless.

It took a LOT of super-power-might to call forth the part of me that DOES KNOW on some level that those thoughts were not the WHOLE truth and nothing but truth so help me God.

Here are 3 steps/practices that I did that made a world of difference to my sanity… and eventually, my return to my higher power.



One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is to practice compassionate observation of your thoughts.

Rather than getting “hooked” into a reality with them… experiment with becoming the observer of them. Watch. Listen. Pay attention.
Even become curious.

See them as a stream of consciousness moving through you and play with detaching yourself from them.

Do this with compassion for yourself.


I’ve learned that pushing away thoughts that don’t feel good doesn’t work.

Denying the expression they have for you will only make them stronger.

(This is what creates Shadow. The parts that go underground and pop out in unconscious ways.)

There is actually a request underneath the thought. When you tend to it, the thought will relax.

For instance, my thought that I am worthless.
I don’t like how I feel when I feel I’m worthless.

It sucks.

But what happened when I TENDED to that thought?

I realized that there was a part of me that really needed some loving. The worthless part was craving attention.

She needed assurance. She needed to know that she was worthy of my presence (rather than telling her to go away).


What thinking matches the reality and results you want?

For instance, if you want to feel abundant, you’d think thoughts like,

“I am abundant. I am opening to greater abundance every day.
I am grateful for the abundance that life shows me.”

I know that this can feel awkward, contrived and unbelievable at times. But. It works. You may not totally buy into the statements or feel these  thoughts as “real” at first. Over time, they will become a part of you.

I mean, really. You didn’t come into the world believing the BS you think half the time now, right? It took time for you to be conditioned to think  thoughts that make you feel like crap and that rob you of your abundance.

So, be patient and stay consistent.

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