my talk with God + how I tripled my income (10 exact steps)!!

Posted by | November 12, 2017 | Uncategorized | No Comments

My mess to success story.

It includes living in a cottage in the woods.

10 acres of glorious land on Bainbridge Island.

My devotion to simplicity and sustainability.

A dream to live a lifestyle where I did what I wanted, when I wanted WHILE being kind to mother earth and giving my unique gifts.

I intended to reinvent what it meant to be rich.

I didn’t want the trappings of achievement to define me.

(Here I am in 2007 in the meadow after a fresh snow.)

I loved it there. I loved the beauty.

I loved the small intentional community we created.
I loved shared dinners and authentic connection.

I loved chopping my wood and having my own fire stove.

I believed there was a more essential connection with Source and nature that I could tap, which would create a more lasting and secure kind of wealth.

I found it. Within.

But not without having a reality check about money.

I majorly struggled in those early years of business.

Nothing was more daunting to me than the potential of having to let go of my ideals for living on my terms.

Yet I couldn’t pay my bills. AHHHH!

So I had a talk with God.

I told God that I wanted to know the secret to making money!

That if I really am going to be an agent of change, I need the resources to be flowing with ease so that I can focus on what I’m here to do.

I remember that spring doing one of my first launches.

I tripled my income. WEEEEEE!!!!

It was working.

I’ll tell you right now one of the BIGGEST shifts that happened inside me to allow that money to finally flow in is that I stopped feeling like a beggar to the Universe, pleading for help and feeling ashamed and sorry for myself.

I realized that I was feeling like a VICTIM to money, and that it if I wanted to make more money, I had to take responsibility.

From there I adopted a mindset that turned it all around for me.

Here’s the evolution of the process:

1) I was full of money shame and sick of feeling like sh*t about myself.

2) I told God it was time to show me how to make money and I set the record straight that I am rich and would not accept anything less.

3) I shifted from feeling like a beggar and victim who was pleading for help to choosing to be the creator of my reality.

4) I got compassionately and radically honest with myself about how I was hiding and sabotaging what I said I wanted.
(You gotta take ownership for ALL of it if you are truly going to stop being a victim!)

5) I created the mindset to match what I wanted.

6) I became rigorous in applying Universal laws like the Law of Attraction.

7) I commanded my value, believing there was a mission beyond me in service to my clients who needed me. I took ownership of my gifts and called on the help to package them in a way that made sense and was compelling to clients.

8) I infused my relationship with money and wealth with the sacred tools I’d been using for years, but had not connected the dots that they could work together.

9) I loved up my Feminine — honoring the qualities that I had believed were “in the way” of business — and made them THE WAY.

10) I unleashed my Masculine (in balance with the Feminine).
I took action.
I took inspired action.
I took a lot of action.
I took action when I wasn’t ready.
I took action when I was uncomfortable.
I took action when I was scared.
I took action when I knew I’d be imperfect.
I took action when I was in resistance.
I took action when I was passionate.
I took action when I didn’t know what came after that action.

You get the point. I TOOK ACTION.

Does this help?


I’ll be revealing more about this money mindset and the art of manifesting at Wealthy Goddess LIVE November 19-21.

If you are ready to immerse yourself into a new consciousness that help you stop pushing upstream and learn how to live IN the stream that creates your desired manifestations, JOIN US!

Really. We are at LAST CALL this weekend.

With all that I am,

Kendra E Thornbury, MA

ps. Here’s more of what you have to look forward to…

Set your tone and foundation for 2018! What will tripling your income next year do for your life????

* Tap into the forgotten secrets & ancient wisdom in the Women’s Mysteries
* Deepen your understanding and embodiment of the Divine Feminine
* Discover what it takes to become a masterful and effortless manifestor
of money and abundance
* Gain clarity and confidence to stand in the authority of your core power
so that your message and voice are unshakably clear
* Grow your ability to be the commanding fierce leader who holds healing
presence and influences audiences just by being you
* Unlock the sensual, natural, radiant and wildly attractive force of the Feminine
* Align your business more fully and wholly to your unique essence and Divine Design
* Advance your walk with the elements and Universal law for greater ease and fulfillment
* Access Source and creative intelligence for ease in producing art, programs, copy writing, articles and more
* Know how to handle the bigger energies of visibility, power and wealth
* Remove blockages and expand into your sacred medicine
* Anchor in your purpose as a lightworker and luminary in these rapidly changing times
* Awaken your soul’s gifts even further so you are masterful at helping others


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