Posted by | December 4, 2016 | Uncategorized | No Comments

Let me tell you about it….

I was out for my morning walk yesterday. I was listening to a song with the lyrics, “Let me serve in a wholly holy way.

I reflected on the nature of this desire.

How will I show up today a bit more kinder?
How will I walk a path of peace?
How will I embody this commitment to serve?

WHOLLY. As in and through my wholeness & the fullness that I am.
HOLY. As in and through the highest sacred act of being.

I found myself walking by a homeless man. This is a common occurrence in cities like Oakland where I am right now.

I thought to myself — “I don’t like the feeling of just walking by someone clearly in need as if nothing is wrong.”

Really, in my heart I’m just NOT OK with any of our brothers and sisters on this abundant planet being hungry!

And while I can’t personally feed everyone in need, today I wanted to do something different.

I walked by a 2nd homeless man. He was rocking back and forth, sitting on the concrete with a blanket beneath him and a few belongings gathered at his side.

Then the thought came to me, “This could be me!”

A message of how alike we really all are.
A message of humility in recognizing my own helplessness.
A message of treating others how I want to be treated.

I was compelled.

I walked about a mile to a grocery store and got him a sandwich, some fruit, a bag of nuts and a lemonade. I thought he’d be thirsty as well as hungry.

More so, I imagined that a gesture of kindness may be a welcome salve to his soul.


I imagined what I may feel like in such a situation, and sensed a craving to believe that there could be even a small glimmer of possibility that someone, SOMEONE cared. I imagined that I would want to know that I am not just a nobody that people pass by in the busyness of their lives.

I felt my heart swell with compassion.

This could be me.
I was actually nervous as I approached him.

I didn’t want to come across as condescending.
I didn’t want to startle him or violate his space.
And truth be told, I didn’t want to be exposed to any negativity or anger that I projected he may have.

But I chose love over fear.

I did want to convey my heartfelt care.
I did want to give him food.
I did want to offer him the nourishment of kindness.

I slowly approached and asked him if he wanted food.

He looked up at me with his big brown eyes and nodded yes.
I got closer and kneeled in front of him. I gave him the sandwich and he nodded. I asked if he wanted fruit. He nodded. And then the nuts. He nodded. I asked if he was thirsty. He nodded. I gave him the lemonade.

I paused and looked strongly in his eyes, intending that more than food was passed between us. I said, “Blessings to you.” And walked away.

I cried.
I was totally overcome by the whole exchange.

Part of me wanted to do more.
For him. For all the homeless.
Yet for today. I knew. That is what I gave.
And that is enough.


This could be me.
This could be you.
This is we.

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